Thursday 3 October 2013

back at home

And finally, after 6 months, 10 countries visited and more than 24,000 km travelled, I am safely back at home. It was not easy (not to mention the 15 hours delayed flight back home), I went through some tough moments during this time. But over all I met plenty of new friends that, from now on, will be a part of my life. Thousands of stories and nice memories that I shall keep with me from this day until my last. Thanks to you all for being a part of it. See you next time.

Tuesday 1 October 2013


Y, por fin, de vuelta en el Caribe. Después de algo más de seis meses y muchas vueltas vuelvo a este mar que ya ví al principio de mi viaje. En esta ocasión lo disfruto en Choroní, en el estado Aragua. A una hora y media de Maracay y justo al otro lado de la cordillera Litoral.

El pueblo, que guarda bellísimas casas coloniales, es una atracción turística durante los meses de verano. Tanto venezolanos como extranjeros vienen acá a disfrutar de la costa.

Algunas de sus calles, son casi de postal. En resumen, un buen punto y seguido que actúa como resumen de lo que fue este viaje y lo que me espera acá cada vez que vuelva. Espero no tardar mucho.

Sunday 29 September 2013


The city of Maracay, capital of the Aragua region has several interesting spots to visit. One of them is a former house of the Bolivar family. Here they produced sugarcane among other products.

More into our days, the city is alive. I could see some of the riots and protests that happen very often in the city and its sourroundings.

Finally, and thanks to my cousin, I could take a look (from the outside, thanks God) to one of the famous Venezuelian prisons. The marks of the last riot in the prison can be easily seen from the outside (bullet holes all over the walls). Moreover, I saw some prisioners make phone calls from the terrace on the roof.

Saturday 28 September 2013

Colonia Tovar

C'est sympa trouver un endroit comme celui-ci. Il s'agit d'un village typique allemand au Venezuela. On parle de La Colonia Tovar, dans la région Aragua.

Cette colonie a été crée par un groupe d'Allemands dans le XIXeme siècle. Ils parlent encore la langue allemande et ils mangent pas mal de la nourriture typique d'outre Rhin.

Thursday 26 September 2013


Y lo bueno se va acabando. Ya estoy de vuelta en Venezuela. Esta vez entré por el oriente para poder visitar la ciudad de Mérida. Cuna de grandes personajes, esta ciudad enclavada en los Andes venezolanos tiene mucho que ofreces. 

De lo más destacado es quizá el telesférico que lleva hasta las cumbres de la cordillera para deleitarse con los picos Humbolt y Bolívar. A mi no me acompañó la suerte ya que está en plena remodelación, aunque ya en proceso de pruebas. Otra vez será.

Monday 23 September 2013


Only 45 minutes away from Bogotá, the small and nice town of Zipaquirá hides one of the most beautiful churches I have ever seen. It is not the one shown in the first picture which is in the main square surrounded by lovely colonial houses. The one I am talking about is the famous Catedral de Sal l and lies 180 metres underground.

Built twice inside a pretty old salt mine by the miners themselves it has become one of the most visited touristic attractions in Colombia. Many sculptures, also made in salt, can be found within the mine. Most of them, of course, with a religion theme.

What surprised me the most was the amplitude of the space while walking the several rooms and corridors. Also the lights, changing every few minutes, and the relaxing music all over the place made this experience unique.

Friday 20 September 2013


À la fin, je suis bien arrivé à la capitale de la Colombie, Santa Fé de Bogotá. Cette énorme ville a des quartiers coloniaux très charmants mais aussi un centre de finances internationale.

Le musée de l'or a, parmi d'autres à Bogotá, une grande collection d'art et objects des aborigènes colombiens qu'aident a mieux comprendre leurs culture. Et il commence à se faire tard!